Impact of Our Work

Universal Support

The Behavior Alliance of South Carolina exists to ensure all students are life and career-ready by being the “go to” school-based behavior resource in South Carolina. To do this, we offer a wide range of methods for accessing resources and strategies for South Carolina leaders, educators, and other school-based staff across the state.

South Carolina County Map (All Selected)

To learn more about each method of support, click on the tabs below!

The Behavior Alliance Mailing List

Monthly newsletters that include upcoming professional learning opportunities, evidence-based strategies, wellness resources, educator & school district spotlights, and additional highlights in our bulletin board section.

Professional Learning Opportunities

Quarterly Institutes

The Behavior Alliance Institutes provide free professional learning opportunities for South Carolina educators. To increase access, we host the institutes in different regions across the state. The topics of the institutes change based on the state’s needs.

ECHO for Educators Series

ECHO for Educators is an initiative focused on uniting educators to build a support network that strengthens the use of best practices. This collaboration is between the Behavior Alliance of South Carolina (BASC), Clemson University, and other partners.

Self-Paced Modules and Video Recordings

The Behavior Alliance is proud to share various FREE professional learning opportunities that can be completed asynchronously at a convenient time and place for anyone across the state of South Carolina.

Social Media

Our team utilizes platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, to provide information, updates, resources, and opportunities for engagement to the educational community of South Carolina. Follow us at @BASCbehavior!


Specialized Support

During the application window, school districts can apply to be an Official District Partner. The districts that are selected receive the following support from the Behavior Alliance of South Carolina team:

    • Facilitate training, coaching and technical assistance for the District Behavior Coordinator.
    • Partner and provide support to the District Leadership Team with training and coaching as the team develops their district processes as listed above (e.g., teaming & initiative alignment, data-based decision-making, school-site selection, annual evaluation) and makes these processes sustainable.
    • Train selected school teams in Tier I Classroom Management, Tier 2: Check-In, Check-Out, or Tier 2/3 – Function-Based Thinking.
    • Provide all services associated with being a partner district with the Behavior Alliance of South Carolina at no cost to the partner district.
      • If you are an OSES identified district, there may be travel funding available for the district behavior coordinator to attend our institutes.

To see our current District Partnerships for SY23-24, click here.

Applications will open again in the Summer for a new cohort in SY 24-25. Announcements will be made via our mailing list. Not a subscriber? Click here to join!